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Which type EDM Drills To buy? CNC or CNC with ATC+AGC?

Writer's picture: sevenmetalsevenmetal

Most of the machine shops are always looking for one more idealized machine at boom seasons.

Most of the machine shops are always complained about who had brought in too many seldom using ()machines that occupied too many floor space. And planed to get rid with them for decades.

But both machine owners all agree to kept those money maker machines in their factories forever and even want to buy more in.

To buy in or to sell out these machines are questions. But both owners are a lucky man; for they are dealing with the always obey machine tools. But not dealing with living people.

Every machines you brought in as a partner to make monies for you. Obtained more suitable machine could easier to hire an employee. Such as unmanned factory.

Most of the machine shops owners are quite understood the classify in milling machine, But there is a lot of difference in EDM Diller.

Classify by Axial controller

1.Manual EDM Drillers: XY Manual positioning; Z cutting settings manual controlled. Flushing water pressure manual controlled.

2.PNC Z (Z NC)EDM Drillers: XY Manual positioning; Z cutting settings Programmed + manual controlled as needed. Flushing water pressure manual controlled.

3.CNC X Y EDM Drillers: XY auto-positioning; Z cutting settings manual controlled.

water pressure manual controlled.

4.CNC X Y Z EDM Drillers: XY auto-positioning; Z cutting settings NC.

water pressure manual controlled.

5.CNC X Y Z A B C EDM Drillers: X Y Z A B C auto-positioning, Z cutting settings NC.water pressure manual controlled.

6.CNC X Y+ ATC EDM Drillers: A.Z cutting settings & Flushing water pressure manual controlled.

B.Z cutting settings NC controlled+ partially manual controlled, Flushing water pressure manual controlled. ATC has an individually PLC editor. Not all in one editing.

7.CNC X Y +ATC+ 2AGC EDM Drillers:

8.CNC X Y Z +ATC+ 6AGC EDM Drillers:

9.CNC X Y Z A B C+ ATC+ 6AGC EDM Drillers:

10.CNC X Y Z A B+ ATC+ AGC EDM Drillers:

An idealized fully automatic EDM Driller supposed to run its functions as programmed edited. Nothing manual required. Thus; An operator could take care 4 to 10 machines at onetime.




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